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Schedule I & II Volume I
Parent Collection:
California - 19th Century - Trinity County. * Trinity County (Calif.) - Census, 1852. * Trinity County (Calif.) - Genealogy. * Population - 19th Century - California. * Enslaved Persons - 19th Century. * Immigrants - California. * Chinese - California - 19th Century. * Native Americans - California. * Californios - 19th Century. * Racially Mixed People - California - 19th Century. * Gold Mining and Miners - California - 19th Century. * California - 19th Century - Trinity County. * Trinity County (Calif.) - Census, 1852. * California - Economic Conditions - 19th Century.* Labor - Ranchers - California - 19th Century. * California -Gold Mining and Miners - Gold Rush, 1848-1852. * Frontier and Pioneer Life - California. * Economic Production - California - 19th Century.* Quartz Mining - California - 19th Century. * Livestock - California - 19th Century. * Horses - California - 19th Century. * Mules - California - 19th Century.* Beef Cattle - California - 19th Century. * Oxen - California - 19th Century.* Agriculture - California - 19th Century. * Barley - Malting - Feed - California - 19th Century. * Wheat - California - 19th Century. * California - 19th Century - Tulare County. * Tulare County (Calif.) - Census, 1852. * Tulare County (Calif.) - Genealogy. * Population - 19th Century - California. * Enslaved Persons - 19th Century. * Immigrants - California. * Chinese - California - 19th Century. * Native Americans - California. * Californios - 19th Century. * Racially Mixed People - California - 19th Century. * Gold Mining and Miners - California - 19th Century. * California - 19th Century - Tulare County. * Tulare County (Calif.) - Census, 1852. * California - Economic Conditions - 19th Century.* Labor - Ranchers - California - 19th Century. * California -Gold Mining and Miners - Gold Rush, 1848-1852. * Frontier and Pioneer Life - California. * Economic Production - California - 19th Century.* Quartz Mining - California - 19th Century. * Livestock - California - 19th Century. * Horses - California - 19th Century. * Mules - California - 19th Century.* Beef Cattle - California - 19th Century. * Oxen - California - 19th Century.* Agriculture - California - 19th Century. * Barley - Malting - Feed - California - 19th Century. * Wheat - California - 19th Century.
The Census of 1852 collection includes enumerations of California's 32 counties, arranged into 126 volumes. Schedule I enumerated the county's inhabitants, while schedule II enurmerated economic production. Many pages of this volume are damaged.
No data available for this field
California State Archives, a division of the California Secretary of State's Office
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Image of the California Census from the records of the office of the California Secretary of State
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