Showing Bookmarks 1 to 4 of 4
Drawing of Headquarters Office Building, Department of Motor Vehicles, Sacramento, by Alfred Eichler; drawing is in black pencil and pen and ink. Building is on N Street between 12th and 13th Streets. Design by H. S. Hazen and W. K. Bartges (interior). Built. Project for Department of Motor Vehicles.
Date: 1936
Caption: "Mess Hall - Veterans Home - Yountville." Reflected plan; design and drawing by Alfred Eichler. Project for Department of Veterans Affairs.
Date: 1943
Caption: "Fresno State College Students Union Bldg. - Lunch Counter." Design and color drawing by Alfred Eichler. Project for Department of Education.
Date: 1940
Caption: "Plan." Sketch of plan and elevation for Cordelia Overpass by Alfred Eichler. Project for Department of Public Works - Highways - Bridge Department.
Date: 1933