Showing Bookmarks 1 to 7 of 7
Correspondence from Earl Warren to John B. Hughes regarding fear of sabotage and federal registration of aliens
Date: January 8, 1942
Report on number of cases; Sections: Active Cases; Service Cases; Closed Cases"; for similar report see F3729_73_002
Date: March 9, 1942
Office Memorandum from Jeannette Harris to Margaret S. Watkins regarding reporting activity
Date: March 31, 1942
Summary of relocation program in San Francisco, Ca; Sections: Housing; Employment; Health and Welfare; Community Education; Property and Legal Matters; Hawaiian Transportation; Interviewing, Counseling and Referral Activities; Community Integration
Date: January 11, 1946
Office memorandum from Bertha S. Underhill to Mary LeHane regarding plans for the Federal review
Date: August 16, 1945
First report by trustee, J. Nakano on behalf of Kiyoko, Masaaki, Toshiyuki, and Hideo Nakano regarding property in Sonoma Coutny, California
Date: January, 1939
Report on resettlement by county by Bertha S. Underhill
Date: November 29, 1945