Showing Bookmarks 1 to 6 of 6
Bulletin from Howard E. Deems regarding registration for any person of Japanese descent
Date: December 10, 1941
Summary of statements and resolutions adopted by various local entities pertaining to enemy aliens
Date: February 20, 1942
Report on War Services Activities; Sections: Change in Financing of Enemy Alien Program; Medical Care; Review of San Francisco County; Japanese-Americans; Evacuees from the Pacific Area; Requests for Services and Assistance; Active Case Load; Geographical Area
Date: September-November, 1944
List of bulletins and circular letters relating to procedures published and distributed to counties
Date: Undated
Correspondence from Ralph P. Merritt to Earl Warren regarding riots at Manzanar, administration of Manzanar, movement of certain Japanese from Manzanar to Tule Lake, citizenship, and loyalty
Date: August 29, 1943
Office Memorandum from Ruth E. Rogers to Elizabeth B. MacLatchie regarding housing cost estimates
Date: March 21, 1946