Showing Bookmarks 1 to 6 of 6
Correspondence from Charles M. Wollenberg (by Ruth E. Rogers) to Beulah L. Lewis regarding resettlement aid
Date: September 10, 1946
Correspondence from Walter B. Sellmer to Earl Warren regarding views on law enforcement problems involving enemy aliens
Date: February 19, 1942
Statement contends that the Federal Government should be financially responsible for any public assistance provided to Japanese
Date: January 22, 1946
Report by Elizabeth B. MacLatchie on the War Services Program; Sections: Direct Operations by County Welfare Department; Civilian War Assistance; Enemy Alien Program; Medical Program of U.S. Public Health Services; Standards of Assistance
Date: November, 1942
Memorandum from G. W. Griffin to Warren Olney regarding farming company owed by several Japanese families
Date: January 31, 1942
Office Memorandum from Honora Costigan to Elizabeth B. MacLatchie regarding discussion of the program during two meetings
Date: August 28, 1942