Showing Bookmarks 1 to 9 of 9
Report on number of cases; Sections: Active Cases; Service Cases; Closed Cases"; for similar report see F3729_73_001
Date: March 10, 1942
Material prepared for discussion of the Wartime Civilian Assistance and Services Program; Sections: Programs; Assistance Expenses Financing; Administrative Expenses Financing; Definitions
Date: May 15, 1942
Office Memorandum from Margaret Bullard to Margaret S. Watkins regarding changes to program after new bulletin
Date: March 28, 1942
Correspondence from Earl Warren to sheriffs, district attorneys, and chiefs of police requesting their views on law enforcement problems involving enemy aliens; For responses, see R177.089 183/5-R177.089 183/6
Date: February 18, 1942
Office Memorandum from Perry Sundquist to Elizabeth B. MacLatchie regarding aid to blind Japanese
Date: August 26, 1942
Statement by U.S. Public Health Service regarding medical care; Sections: Medical Inspection of Evacuees Prior to Movement, Assembly Centers, Reception Centers; see F3729_89_001a
Date: April 1942
List of Japanese applying for reinstatment of licenses and description of circumstances or application
Date: September 3, 1952
Correspondence from Earl Warren (by Walter S. Rountree) to Melvin Hoffman regarding transfer of liquor licenses
Date: April 29, 1942