Showing Bookmarks 1 to 4 of 4
Statement by D. S. Myer, Director of the War Relocation Authority, regarding the lifting of the exclusion orders; Attachment: "Summary of WRA Policies and Procedures for the Final Phase of the Relocation Program," (F3729_119_002d-F3729_119_002h)
Date: Undated
Correspondence from Lois Craig to Elizabeth MacLatchie, et al. regarding the date of evacuation for the Maryknoll Home and the Japanese Children's Home in Los Angeles
Date: June 24, 1942
Summary for community responsibility during resettlement; Sections: Opportunities Required by Resettlers; How Communities Can Cooperate; National Agency Cooperation; Attachment: National Voluntary Agencies Cooperating with the War Relocation Authority
Date: Undated