Showing Bookmarks 1 to 13 of 13
List of Japanese applying for reinstatment of licenses and description of circumstances or application
Date: September 3, 1952
Federal review of War Services; Sections: Fiscal Estimates; Enemy Alien in Los Angeles County; Use of Resettlement Assistance Funds for Dental Care in Santa Clara County; Non-resident Japanese; War Surplus Property; Tambara case, Los Angeles County; Civilian War Assistance
Date: March 6, 1946
Correspondence from Gordon Williams to Earl Warren regarding resolution passed by the American Veterans Committee on violence against returning Japanese-Americans
Date: September 28, 1945
Governor's Office Memorandum from Helen MacGregor to Earl Warren regarding policies for employment of returning Japanese
Date: March 7, 1945
Summary of agreement for the Department of Social Welfare to assist in performance of duties and for reimbursement of costs by the Federal Security Agency
Date: Undated
Correspondence from Earl Warren (by Warren Olney) to J. A. Greening regarding arrests of Japanese relinquishing firearms and cameras; Response to R177_086_182-32_001a-R177_086_182-32_001b
Date: December 23, 1941
Correspondence from Azile H. Aaron to State Public Assistance Agencies regarding the program name change to include American citizens of Japanese descent
Date: October 7, 1943
Correspondence from T. G. Ishimaru to State Department of Social Welfare regarding the care of children after closure of the Children's Village at Manzanar
Date: August 2, 1945
Policy surrounding establishment of residency within a specific county
Date: September 15, 1945
Correspondence from Geo. J. Overholt to Earl Warren regarding potential internment of Japanese at Secret Valley
Date: March 11, 1942
Correspondence from Charles M. Wollenberg to C. G. Halliday regarding establishment of residency for resettlement
Date: June 26, 1945
Correspondence from C. J. Carey to R. I. French regarding licenses and Japanese in California
Date: January 28, 1942
Correspondence from Genevieve W. Carter to Helen Heffernan regarding inspection of Manzanar
Date: June 29, 1943