Showing Bookmarks 1 to 6 of 6
Summary of telephone call on January 28, 1946 regarding use of resettlement assistance for shipment of household goods
Date: February 5, 1946
Map indicating the coverage area of the relocation offices and their representatives
Date: August 27, 1945
Correspondence from Margaret S. Watkins to Gladys C. Johns regarding Tulare County's participation in the WCCA program
Date: May 7, 1942
Memorandum from Tom Coakley to G. W. Griffin regarding radios owned by Japanese; While document is dated January 6, 1941, content and placement within the files suggests that date was actually January 6, 1942
Date: January 6, 1941
Office memorandum from Lois Craig to Margaret S. Watkins regarding staff made available by the Federal government
Date: March 24, 1942