Showing Bookmarks 1 to 14 of 14
Summary of communication with the State Banking Department regarding Japanese banks in liquidation
Date: May 21, 1945
"Administrative Expenditures Paid During July, 1945 for the Programs Assistance to Enemy Aliens and Others Affected by Restrictive Governmental Actions and Civilian War Assistance"
Date: September 13, 1945
Pamphlet on Attorney General Earl Warren's leadership in war preparation before the events at Pearl Harbor in comparison to Culbert Olson
Date: Undated
Governor's Office Memorandum from Helen R. MacGregor to Earl Warren regarding reparations for lost salaries
Date: August 29, 1946
Summarized review of case records and interviews with several agencies
Date: February 25, 1946
Opinion of Attorney General Edmund G. Brown regarding application for restoration of liquor licenses
Date: November 30, 1951
Memorandum from O. J. Jahnsen regarding a conversation about ammunitions on a train
Date: December 16, 1941
Correspondence from Azile H. Aaron to Charles M. Wollenberg regarding case reviews
Date: July 23, 1945
List of the number of Japanese in institutions; organized alphabetically by county
Date: Undated
Item in meeting minutes regarding the Attorney General to represent the State Personnel Board in hearings
Date: November 13, 1943
Handbook prepared by the Bureau of Public Assistance
Date: June 1942