Showing Bookmarks 1 to 8 of 8
Correspondence from Elwyn H. Gregory to Earl Warren regarding resolution passed by the trustees and principals of schools in Placer County on foreign language schools
Date: December 26, 1944
Correspondence from Jules Seitz to Charles F. Miller regarding opposition to resettlement of Japanese in Solano County, including statement of Board of Supervisors of Tulare County regarding aid to Japanese
Date: July 28, 1945
Correspondence from C. Rollin Zane to Bess Replogle regarding recommendations for Japanese children in institutions; Attachment: Memo on Recommendations for Children in Institutions(F3729_64_009b)
Date: May 4, 1942
Sections: Early program activity; Philippine evacuees; Repatriates; Reception operation; Handling of individual cases; Unaccompanied children; Services to repatriates; Termination of program; Size of program
Date: February 6, 1942-June 30, 1948
Correspondence from Luna B. Brown to State Public Assistance Agencies regarding identification cards and regulations on travel
Date: January 28, 1946
Correspondence from Bertha S. Underhill to Mary LeHane regarding renaming of the program to include Japanese-Americans
Date: February 19, 1945
Office memorandum from Margaret Billings to Margaret S. Watkins regarding Contra Costa Defense Council
Date: January 5, 1942
Correspondence from Beulah L. Lewis to Charles M. Wollenberg regarding resettlement program
Date: March 26, 1946