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Search Results 221 to 230 of 8473

  • Valle de San Felipe Rancho

    Hand-drawn sketch map of Valle de San Felipe boundaries. Volume 2, page 200

    Date: 1846

  • Old Series Trademark No. 0366

    Emperor Savon

    Date: 1876

  • Old Series Trademark No. 3526

    Admiral Farragut

    Date: 1899

  • McCarthy Album 09, Photograph 309

    Caption: "Half Dome," c. 1917. The Merced River flows through the photograph in the foreground, while the iconic Half Dome looms in the background.

    Date: 1917

  • Old Series Trademark No. 1743


    Date: 1889

  • McCarthy Album 08, Photograph 031

    Caption: "12 Inch Sea Coast Gun," c. 1908-1912. Group of men operating or maintaining a 12-inch disappearing gun. Retracting or disappearing guns were a form of artillery developed in the nineteenth century in which heavy artillery guns were placed on rotating carriages that allowed retraction of the weapon after firing, to enable reloading while under enemy fire. Such guns were often used in coastal fortifications.

    Date: 1908

  • Old Series Trademark No. 3611

    Palace Restaurant

    Date: 1900

  • eichler_f3274_297

    Caption: "Host House, Pacific Colony - Spadra." Design and drawing of Host House and Psychologist's Office, Pacific State Hospital, by Alfred Eichler. Built. Project for Department of Mental Hygiene - Hospitals. The hospital was initially named Pacific Colony (1927-1953), followed by Pacific State Hospital (1953-1979); Frank D. Lanterman State Hospital and Developmental Center; and finally Lanterman Developmental Center, which closed in 2015.

    Date: 1940

  • McCarthy Album 09, Photograph 291

    Caption: "Bridal Veil Falls [sic]," c. 2017. The 617-foot-tall Bridalveil Fall, one of the iconic natural wonders of Yosemite National Park.

    Date: 1917

  • McCarthy Album 06, Photograph 079

    Caption: "Parlor interior at home," c. 1905. A view of the parlor at the McCarthy family residence in Watsonville, with a piano in foreground and framed portraits and landscapes adorning the walls.

    Date: 1905