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Search Results 181 to 190 of 8473

  • Old Series Trademark No. 0286

    O K

    Date: 1874

  • eichler_f3274_067

    Design and color rendering of Dining Hall, California School for the Blind at Berkeley by Alfred Eichler. Annotation: "Dining Hall. Younger boys dormitory at left, older boys dormitory at right." Project for Department of Education.

    Date: 1928

  • Old Series Trademark No. 1557

    Sugar Plum

    Date: 1888

  • Old Series Trademark No. 0073

    Geyser Soda Water

    Date: 1867

  • McCarthy Album 10, Photograph 243

    Caption: "Columbia River Bridge - Portland to Vancouver, Washington," c. 1935.

    Date: 1935

  • Old Series Trademark No. 2478


    Date: 1894

  • Old Series Trademark No. 1389


    Date: 1886

  • McCarthy Album 11, Photograph 270

    Caption: "Chrysler and Travel & Transport Bldg. Chicago Fair. Sept. 16, 1934." View of two buildings at the Century of Progress Exposition in Chicago. The Chrysler Motors building dominates the photograph, while the Travel and Transport Building can be seen at the left. The latter building featured a catenary roof, the first one built in the US. The Exposition, a world fair attended by thirty-nine million people, celebrated Chicago's one-hundred year anniversary of incorporation. Originally planned to only run from May to November in 1933, it was such a success that its organizers decided to keep it running for a second season from May through October the following year. The central theme of the Exposition was technological innovation, with a motto of "Science Finds, Industry Applies, Man Conforms." None of the buildings constructed for the fair are still extant today, having been built as temporary facilities.

    Date: 9/16/1934

  • Memo on Pittsburg Defense Activities

    Office memorandum from Mary F. Dumble to Margaret S. Watkins regarding relocation and it's effect on Pittsburg, California

    Date: July 1, 1942

  • Old Series Trademark No. 3259

    Snow White

    Date: 1898