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Search Results 41 to 50 of 8459

  • Old Series Trademark No. 1509

    A. C. P Co., Anglo Californian Preserving Co.

    Date: 1887

  • Old Series Trademark No. 0604

    Drawing Room

    Date: 1880

  • Old Series Trademark No. 0300

    B. B. Cutter

    Date: 1875

  • Old Series Trademark No. 3843

    Hard Pan

    Date: 1901

  • Old Series Trademark No. 3183

    Brown's Celery Phosphate Beverage

    Date: 1898

  • McCarthy Album 05, Photograph 196

    Caption: "6" Disappearing Gun," c. 1915. Side view of a 6" disappearing gun in a barbette (gun emplacement). Retracting or disappearing guns were a form of artillery developed in the nineteenth century in which heavy artillery guns were placed on rotating carriages that allowed retraction of the weapon after firing, to enable reloading while under enemy fire.

    Date: 1915

  • Old Series Trademark No. 0467

    Workingmen's Opposition Store

    Date: 1878

  • Old Series Trademark No. 2667

    California Patent Roller Flour

    Date: 1895

  • McCarthy Album 05, Photograph 056

    Caption: "Santa Rosa Court House.," c. 1914. Built in 1910, this building replaced the original Sonoma County courthouse that was destroyed by the great earthquake and fire that ravaged the San Francisco Bay Area in 1906. This second courthouse served the county for more than fifty years before being declared seismically unsafe in the 1960s. It was subsequently torn down, but the area still retains the name "Old Courthouse Square."

    Date: 1914

  • McCarthy Album 11, Photograph 062

    Unidentified African-American woman, several children, and a dog posing on and around the porch of a wood-plank home. *Please Note:* Original caption removed due to sensitive content. To view the original photograph with caption, please contact the California State Archives Reference Desk.

    Date: 6/17/1934