Search Alfred Eichler Collection

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Search Results 11 to 20 of 431

  • eichler_f3274_395

    Preliminary design study of Tower Bridge, Sacramento, by Alfred Eichler. Project for Department of Public Works - Highways - Bridge Department.

    Date: 1934

  • eichler_f3274_443_5

    Caption: "Bronze Plaque for Lincoln Barracks Yountville." Design and drawing for Veterans Home, Yountville, by Alfred Eichler. Project for Department of Veterans Affairs.

    Date: 1929

  • eichler_f3274_099_2

    Caption: "Typical Barracks." California Maritime Academy, shore base, wartime building construction. Design and color drawing by Alfred Eichler. Built. Project for Department of Education.

    Date: 1942

  • eichler_f3274_286_8

    Caption: "South Elevation." Sketch of addition to Custodial Building, Mendocino State Hospital, by Alfred Eichler. Project for Department of Mental Hygiene - Hospitals.

    Date: 1925

  • eichler_f3274_449_5

    Caption: "Gymnasium, State School, Whittier." Design and drawing by Alfred Eichler for Fred C. Nelles School for Boys. Built. Project for California Youth Authority - Institutions.

    Date: 1934

  • eichler_f3274_244

    Colored ink brush drawing of entrance buildings and tower, Stockton Boulevard entry, State Fair, Stockton Boulevard, Sacramento. Design and drawing by Alfred Eichler. Not built. Project for Department of Finance - Fairs and Expositions.

    Date: 1932

  • eichler_f3274_243

    Drawing of Assembly Building, Governor's Hall, State Fair, Stockton Boulevard, Sacramento. Design and drawing by Alfred Eichler. Built. The building was called Merriam Hall when Frank Merriam was governor (1934-1939). Project for Department of Finance - Fairs and Expositions.

    Date: 1937

  • eichler_f3274_009

    Caption: "State of California - Department of Agriculture Border Inspection Station - Dorris." Design by Earl W. Hampton; drawing by Alfred Eichler. Built in 1936. Project for Department of Agriculture.

    Date: 1935

  • eichler_f3274_376

    Drawing of Sacramento Headquarters Office Building, Department of Public Works, by Alfred Eichler. Built in 1936. Design by H. S. Hazen. Project for Department of Public Works - Administration.

    Date: 1935

  • eichler_f3274_387

    Pencil drawing by Alfred Eichler of office building for the Division of Highways, Los Angeles. Not built like this. Project for Department of Public Works - Highways - District VII - Los Angeles.

    Date: 1938